Cafe Momentum Now Includes Female Interns

Last Spring, Cafe Mometum began including female interns in their program. Below is an experience from one of their first female interns: 

“My experience at Cafe Momentum so far has been a good journey. My passion is cooking so the fact that I get to work with chefs is pretty exciting. Every day when I’m in the kitchen I feel the sensation and satisfaction knowing that someone is enjoying a plate that I cooked all on my own– for a chef that is the best feeling in the world. I love being here, I do what I love to do “cooking” and have fun with the people here. It’s an environment where we all understand each other and stick together as a family. We all tend to help each other in whatever way we can. If I’m having any type of problem even outside of work, my case worker does what she can to help me out. No other job is like Cafe Momentum. Another awesome thing is that if you need someone to talk to they can assist you with a therapist. I have a 5-month old baby boy and it’s really hard being a mom at this age. Here at Cafe Momentum, they have baby things that get donated for us, so if I need anything from diapers to a bouncer I can get those things here. I couldn’t be more thankful to be a part of this program! When school time got here, my case worker also helped me get enrolled. She took me personally to the school and helped me get paperwork together. I can’t complain about my check either; I get paid 10 dollars an hour. It’s good money and the whole time you’re in here, it doesn’t feel like a job, it feels more like spending time with family. We also have family meal every day before dinner service. Family meal is where we all take an hour break to sit down for a meal and take time to communicate and talk about problems and just have conversations where we all relate and understand each other. I personally feel like it’s a good way to get to know each other and know a little bit more of our backgrounds. I feel like this organization has done a lot for me that I couldn’t get done on my own.  It has inspired me to become a better person and it has helped me achieve many of my goals. I dream of becoming a chef and hopefully opening up my own restaurant. I’ve been inspired and motivated to strive for all my goals. This program has helped me become a more independent person. It has showed me that there are people that care and love me and want the best for me. I love this place!”
