Where Are They Now: Annie and Becca

How has Becca been doing since you filmed the Raising Readers in Story County episode of THE HERO EFFECT?    

The community has helped set Becca up for success. She is currently receiving Tier II supplemental services through the Ames Community School District in the area of reading and continues to make progress!


What have you learned about your kids since participating in Raising Readers in Story County?

Ames continues to offer a wealth of opportunities to connect with our children in unexpected ways. Just yesterday, Becca and I bonded over several books that were donated by Raising Readers in one of their many Reading Corners while waiting for the doctor. I learned that she was able to decode more challenging words than I previously thought thanks to the assortment of books made available to us.


How do you encourage reading and literacy at home?

Read, Read, Read. I love to read and remind myself that I’m promoting literacy when I start feeling guilty about the dishes piling up.


What would you tell other parents looking for ways to best prepare their children for kindergarten?

Have meaningful conversations with friends and members of the community about the challenges you face and then listen to their stories. These connections will likely result in an awareness of the resources offered in your community. Take advantage of these opportunities because they will enrich your family’s life.


What is one of your favorite moments with Becca?

My favorite moments with Becca are on Tuesday afternoons. We enjoy 45 minutes of unstructured time and get to just “be” while her sisters are at dance. Last Tuesday, we sat side by side on a bench and rolled play-doh into worms and then wrote our names in the sand with our index fingers. It costs nothing but time to experience that feeling of connectedness and unconditional love.