Where Are They Now: Ber, MTL Survivor

The Hero Effect producers caught up with a few survivors featured in the More Too Life episode to see how they are doing.

Describe your experience at More Too Life: 

I was with teens and young women who had gone through the same experiences that I had gone through.  I received a lot of help and understanding while working and studying and getting therapy More Too Life and their team.

What did you learn about yourself during your time there? 

Dr. Bello asked me what I wanted most? I told her I wanted to know who I am and now I know. I also learned about good, healthy relationships and I learned my own worth. I am powerful, I am worth it.

What would you go back and tell yourself 10 years ago if you were able to do so? 

I would tell my younger self to keep reporting what happened to an adult until I got the response I needed. I would tell any child to please keep telling an safe adult.

What have you been up to since the filming of the MORE TOO LIFE episode of THE HERO EFFECT?
Since the filming, I’ve started a new job and I continue my side business of cleaning and making jewelry. Drug free. I’ve been exercising and I’ve been spending time with my family, which is most important to me. Dr. Bello helped me heal my relationship with my mother and now my mother is on the board of directors of More Too Life.

What are your plans for the future? 

I want to get married and have children and build my jewelry business.